Resource Availability Over Time in Microsoft Project

Hello, fellow project managers and schedulers! Today, I’m going to show you a nifty trick in Microsoft Project setting up changes to resource availability over time. Have you ever had a team member whose availability fluctuated throughout the life of the project? In this blog post article, I will teach you how to document those changes in availability. So let’s dive in!

Resource Availability Over Time: The Scenario

Imagine you have a team member named Heidi Rhodes, whose availability varies over the duration of the project. For instance, she’s available full-time for the first two months, three-quarter time for the next two months, and only half-time for the last two months. Sounds complicated, right? Not to worry, I’ll show you how to handle it effortlessly.

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Resource Availability Over Time

Access Resource Information

  1. Apply the “Resource Sheet” view in your project in Microsoft Project.
  2. Locate the team member whose availability needs to change over time. In this case, it’s Heidi Rhodes.
  3. Double-click the resource’s name to display the Resource Information dialog.

Specify Availability Changes

  1. In the Resource Information dialog, navigate to the lower left corner where you’ll find the “Resource Availability” data grid.
  2. In this data grid, specify your resource’s availability over time. For example, for Heidi Rhodes, I would enter the following information:

    – From the beginning of the project to March 31st, 2024, Heidi will be available full-time, indicated by a Units value of 100%.

    – From April 1st to May 31st, 2024, Heidi will only be available three-quarter time, indicated by a Units value of 75%.

    – From June 1st until the end of the project, Heidi will be available half-time, indicated by a Units value of 50%.

  3. After setting the availability changes, click the “OK” button to apply the changes.

Using this example, Microsoft Project will display Heidi’s initial Max Units value as 100%. However, the software will intelligently adjust her availability, based on the specified changes over time, along with the “Current date” value.

Resource Availability Over Time: Testing the Changes

After specifying the resource’s availability changes over time, you may want to test the setup to make sure it works correctly for the resource. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the “Project” tab to access the Project ribbon.
  2. Click the “Project Information” button.
  3. In the “Current Date” field, enter any date you’d like to simulate, and then click the “OK” button.
  4. Apply the “Resource Sheet” view in the project.
  5. Examine the “Max. Units” value for the resource.

If I enter “April 1, 2024” as the “Current Date” for the project, Microsoft Project will automatically adjust the “Max. Units” value for Heidi Rhodes to 75%. If I enter “June 1, 2024” as the “Current Date” for the project, Microsoft Project will automatically adjust the “Max. Units” value for Heidi Rhodes to 50%.

That’s it! You’ve successfully set up changes to resource availability over time in Microsoft Project. See? It wasn’t that complicated after all! Now you’re equipped to handle fluctuations in resource availability like a pro.

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About Dale Howard MVP

Hello there, esteemed Microsoft Project enthusiasts! It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as Dale Howard Microsoft Project MVP, a seasoned veteran in the world of Microsoft Project. With a remarkable track record of being awarded the prestigious Microsoft Project MVP (Most Valuable Professional) title for an incredible 20 years in a row, I am humbled to share that I currently hold the distinguished position of being one of only 11 Project MVPs across the entire globe. To say that this achievement is exciting would be an understatement. It is a testament to my unwavering dedication, passion, and expertise in the Microsoft Project domain.

Why Should You Learn from Dale Howard Microsoft Project MVP?

Throughout my illustrious career, I have relentlessly pursued excellence, striving to be at the forefront of technological advancements and best practices in project management. Being a Microsoft Project MVP has endowed me with a wealth of knowledge and experience that I eagerly share with other users of this remarkable software. It has been my privilege to assist countless individuals and organizations in harnessing the full potential of Microsoft Project to effectively plan, execute, and monitor their projects. Through my extensive involvement in the Microsoft Project community, I have built a strong network of like-minded professionals, and together, we continuously strive to innovate and push the boundaries of project management excellence. As an MVP, I not only possess an in-depth understanding of Microsoft Project but also have access to exclusive resources, early product previews, and direct communication channels with the Microsoft Project development team. This unique advantage allows me to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that I can provide the most up-to-date and relevant guidance to fellow Microsoft Project lovers.

Whether you are a seasoned project manager seeking to enhance your skills or a novice navigating the intricacies of project planning, I am here to assist you every step of the way. Through my articles, webinars, and training sessions, I aim to empower individuals and organizations to unlock the true potential of Microsoft Project, enabling them to achieve their project goals efficiently and effectively. Join me on this exhilarating journey as we delve into the realm of Microsoft Project, exploring its vast capabilities, uncovering hidden gems, and conquering the challenges that lie ahead. Together, we can transform the way projects are managed, revolutionizing the world of project management, one keystroke at a time. So, buckle up and prepare yourself for an unforgettable adventure in the fascinating universe of Microsoft Project.

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I’ve been teaching students at all levels for over 20 years and have taught thousands of users around the world. I’ve written and co-authored 23 books on Microsoft Project, Project Online, and Project Server so if you’re like me and like to read over watching a video, you can Check Out My Books on Amazon.

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Dale Howard Microsoft Project MVP

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